Jogger Barbie's Blatherings

This blog started out as a way to track my progress in training for my first marathon on September 30, 2007. Then my first marathon ended up happening in May 2007, so now this blog is just to write about my running in general.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm a woman in my 40s who lives in Toronto with my DH and two cats, and who loves to run. Sometimes I like to write about my running. Maybe some day I'll write about something else but it hasn't happened yet.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Okay, so about that training smart - guess I've had a lesson this week that I need to pay attention to what "smart" really means. For me, it means "don't run two days in a row".

Having said that, it's not like I'm writing to report a disaster. On Monday morning I ran my planned 8 km, on the track, a little slower over all since the middle few were with my running buddy, who had just returned from vacation and wasn't at his usual speed. And that, combined with the long run and the hills on Sunday, was enough to make my hip sit up and take notice. Not in a dramatically painful I'm-going-to-collapse-under-you way, but enough to remind me why I don't run two days in a row. Especially when the first day is a long run.

So I took it easy today - just some light elliptical and cycling, about 20 minutes total - and it feels good again. A little minor muscle pain in my legs overall, but that doesn't surprise me; it was a long run on Sunday and I expected to feel it somewhat, especially with the two long hill runs in the middle. I've taken a few anti-imflammatories over the last couple of days and that probably helped settle things done as well.

Tomorrow my scheduled training run is 15 km and I'm hoping it's dry so I can run outside. No hills though - just circuits of the park. The overnight temperature is supposed to be 4 C and that's okay for a morning run. By now it's also light enough that I'm comfortable going out on my own. Tomorrow night is another ART session and that should be good. I wonder if the fact that some of my muscles have been loosened up is why I'm feeling them more lately - perhaps they're actually moving in a slightly different way.

Still feeling optimistic about finishing the marathon. My running buddy thought it was a good plan, and it turns out that he ran his first marathon with much the same attitude; i.e.: to get the experience. Of course, he was much faster, but then we can't all be Olympic-qualifying material... Not to mention I'm not nearly that young anymore...!


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