Jogger Barbie's Blatherings

This blog started out as a way to track my progress in training for my first marathon on September 30, 2007. Then my first marathon ended up happening in May 2007, so now this blog is just to write about my running in general.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm a woman in my 40s who lives in Toronto with my DH and two cats, and who loves to run. Sometimes I like to write about my running. Maybe some day I'll write about something else but it hasn't happened yet.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

What a wonderful week for running it has been here in Toronto. I was out on Wednesday and Friday mornings, and both days were sunny but still cool - 7 or 8 C - with little or no wind. It's full daylight by 6:30 a.m. now, and there are all kinds of people out. Those are the kind of days when I am SO glad to be a runner, because I just love the feeling of being out there, getting this exercise, feeling my body burn up the distance, etc. etc. etc.

The scheduled distance for Wednesday was 16 km and I was a little nervous about that, having just run the half on Sunday and still feeling it some in my IT band. Interestingly enough, while I was running things loosened up and I felt great, but later on that whole area felt very tight again. Not sure that I'd call it "pain", but certainly I would call it "marked discomfort". Fortunately, my ART person was able to fit me in (thank you, thank you, thank you) and she got the kinks out in a big way, worked on both the IT band and the hamstring. It was a pretty aggressive treatment and for the first time I actually did have a bit of bruising. It took me by surprise - I kept massaging this one spot and wondering why it still hurt - finally noticed that it was a bruise, not a sore muscle, LOL.

On Thursday I felt much better - still a little stiffness in the surrounding muscles - and then on Friday I had a very nice not-quite-9 km and haven't had any issues since. Good thing, too - tomorrow is the longest training run of the marathon program, 32 km. It's supposed to be an LSD and I'm going to be trying very hard to keep the S in mind. My goal is to run the distance at an overall pace that, when I am finished, leaves me feeling like I could do more. As usual, the eating and drinking will be tough, but I'll just do my best. Start drinking by about 8 km, but hold off eating until 15 km, maybe. There seems to be such an art to determining the right balance between not cramping but getting enough to prevent that "dead legs" feeling.

We spent a big chunk of the afternoon doing gardening and yard work, but nothing too strenuous. DH put some mulch around the hedge and did some tidying up, and I thinned out some perennials and weeded most of the stuff in the back. Got a little less agressive with the thinning out after giving myself a blister and bursting it within a very short time thanks to repeated driving of the trowel handle into my palm. Ouch. So some of those plants are definitely going to come back and I'll deal with them at that time.

Just thinking about our schedule - with other weekend plans and the Ottawa marathon, not sure when the annuals will go in this year. Probably late rather than early. Need to start making some decisions about what goes where. There's a good topic to occupy my brain during tomorrow's LSD!

DH is also doing a long run tomorrow, probably about 16 km. He wants to do the half in Ottawa and he'll need to put in some distance and see if his calf can really handle it. Here's hoping...

Tomorrow is the Vancouver Marathon, something I'd like to do one fine day. We know one guy IRL who's running tomorrow, and there are a few people on the on-line forum as well. The weather isn't looking too bad - 40% POP - but a high of only 16 C which is pretty nice for running, especially when you're starting at 7:30 a.m. It will be interesting to go on-line tomorrow and see how our friend did.


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