Jogger Barbie's Blatherings

This blog started out as a way to track my progress in training for my first marathon on September 30, 2007. Then my first marathon ended up happening in May 2007, so now this blog is just to write about my running in general.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm a woman in my 40s who lives in Toronto with my DH and two cats, and who loves to run. Sometimes I like to write about my running. Maybe some day I'll write about something else but it hasn't happened yet.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday night, the beginning of the weekend, one of my favorite times, and I can't have my usual beer (or two) because I'm on antibiotics for a week. Annoying, but it's better than being sick.

That cold I mentioned last time? The one that just seemed to keep hanging on? Well, maybe it started out as a cold but it's actually a sinus infection, something I've never had before. And would have been just as happy to skip this time, too. Although in a way I'm relieved that there really is something wrong beyond a simple cold, because it was getting to the point where it just didn't make sense that things weren't really getting any better. This morning I was running (on the treadmill, more about that in a bit) and the area of my left sinus was really starting to hurt. You know that cold you occasionally get from ice cream? Like that, although not as intense. But it kind of eased, and I sort of put it out of my mind, but then as the day wore on there was some pain on both sides, which felt different from simple congestion, and I was coughing, still with the runny nose and post-nasal drip, and just all around miserable. About 2:30 it suddenly occurred to me that this could be a sinus infection (why, I don't know) and when I googled the list of symptoms, it was pretty much a matter of checking each of them off in turn. Fortunately the walk-in clinic near my office was not busy, the doctor on duty said, "Yes - sinus infection" and prescribed antibiotics and a nasal spray, and now here I sit without my beer.

However, I did run Wednesday and today, as planned, and cross-trained on Thursday, all according to the schedule. Wednesday was hill-training on the treadmill, which was a pretty good workout but not as tough as it should have been. Not being familiar with the programs, I guessed at the level and although it did work up a sweat and the last hill was pretty tough, I probably should have worked harder.

Today I was pretty much set to go outside, had my clothes picked out, etc. Then when I woke up, what I heard on the radio forecast was "-5, some wind, with gusts of 70 km/hour". At which point my brain said, "70 km/hour? And I own nothing to keep my face warm? And my nose is pretty raw already from this stupid cold? No way I can face that this morning". It turned out that although it was a little windy, the 70 km stuff wasn't due to happen until the afternoon. Funny what a little sleep deprivation can do to your listening skills...

In any event, I did feel a bit guilty (although that's silly) for not being outside and so made an effort to run a little faster than I would otherwise. No real hills, just a gentle grade. Towards the end I had a surprising amount of energy left, and did the last mile in 7 minutes. It wasn't impossible but it was work. In total, it was 13 km in 63 minutes, with a slow-ish start, so the bulk was at about the 7:47 minute/mile pace. Not blindingly fast, but faster than I would have been going outside.

So I'm not sure what's going to happen with running this weekend. Of course my long run is scheduled for Sunday, and since I've now purchased a balaclava for my face, and have enough layers for the rest of me, the plan was to run outside. But at this moment I am absolutely beat and visions of taking it very easy this weekend and fully recovering are dancing in my head. There's also suppposed to be some bad weather, as in mixed snow and ice pellets, and while I can actually appreciate why people like to run in powdery snow as it's falling, I'm not at all sure about having ice pellets underfoot.

Stay tuned for further reports ;)


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