Jogger Barbie's Blatherings

This blog started out as a way to track my progress in training for my first marathon on September 30, 2007. Then my first marathon ended up happening in May 2007, so now this blog is just to write about my running in general.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm a woman in my 40s who lives in Toronto with my DH and two cats, and who loves to run. Sometimes I like to write about my running. Maybe some day I'll write about something else but it hasn't happened yet.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Last pre-marathon run today - 7 km first thing in the morning. There was a smog alert today and it did get up into the mid-20's, but while I was out the temperature was no more than about 12 C, the air felt fresh, and it was a really nice run. Nothing hard - no hills, no pushing for speed, just running. Towards the very end I felt some strange twinges in my right knee - almost a pain, but pretty subtle. Don't know what that's about, but I'm attributing it to taper madness. Saw my running buddy at the gym and he just nodded wisely before saying, "It will be gone by Sunday".

Sunday - the big day - the day I'm going to run 42.2 km. I hope. With water and carb breaks there will be at least some walking, but ideally the rest of the time it will be at least a slow jog. There are a few hills along the route - apparently the worst are around the 28 and 30 km mark, but I'm trying very hard not to be intimidated in advance. There's nothing to say that those water and carb breaks can't be taken on a hill if said hill really feels like too much.

My race strategy? Run like hell until I can't do any more and limp across the finish line ;) Seriously, I'd like to start with a pace somewhere around 5 min/km, get a little time "in the bank" so to speak, and then slow it down. I've got a pace band for a 3:45 finish because I'd rather aim for less than 4:00 - that way if I need to take a bathroom break, or just get really tired and need to walk a bit or something, maybe I could do all that and still finish in 4:00:59. Because no kidding myself here - this is my first marathon, it's going to be a learning experience, it could turn out any number of ways - but I'd love, love, love to do that Boston Qualifying Time.

It's so close and in many ways I'm so anxious and nervous. And at the same time trying to be calm. Lots of visualizing going on, of myself just running comfortably and easily and not stressing about the time. Lots of mental reminders that I've done the training, haven't missed a long run since I decided to do this race. Lots of reminders that I've been running for a long time and should trust my body to be able to do this. Etc, etc, etc.

Just four more sleeps and it's done and on to the next one. Deep down, pushing through the nerves and anxiety is this "let's just go DO it!" feeling. Hope it's there and working on Sunday!


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