Jogger Barbie's Blatherings

This blog started out as a way to track my progress in training for my first marathon on September 30, 2007. Then my first marathon ended up happening in May 2007, so now this blog is just to write about my running in general.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm a woman in my 40s who lives in Toronto with my DH and two cats, and who loves to run. Sometimes I like to write about my running. Maybe some day I'll write about something else but it hasn't happened yet.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Okay, this is nuts. I am all nerves and butterflies over Sunday's run. For a while there everything was going so well, to the point that I was worried about being too relaxed. Hah! I should be so lucky.

It's that da*n perfectionist streak coming out again. I don't care about racing, per se, and I don't care about beating anyone else. But I can't help caring about measuring up to myself and my own expectations. And although intellectually I have nothing riding on this marathon, now that it's almost here I'm caring about how it's going to go and hoping for/wanting a good time.

And of course feeling totally inadequate about doing it at all. Me? Run 42.2 kilometres? Are you kidding?

But barring disaster I'm going to get out there and try. And probably do it. In what time? Who knows. AND IT DOESN'T MATTER. Repeat after me: IT DOESN'T MATTER. Sigh...

Technical pre-race notes: yesterday was the last run before the big one - 8 km at a pretty easy pace, 44 or 45 minutes in total. I ran most of it with my running buddy, and enjoyed that. Then tonight I had another ART session - a last tune-up to make sure my hips are as loose as they can be. I'm feeling the ART now but that's a good thing. Today was some easy cycling, weights and abs/stretching, and the same for tomorrow. Saturday is an almost rest day - DH and I have to do some running around, and clean the house a little, but nothing vigorous. I hope.

And I hope there's no equivalent of last year's "day before Scotiabank" events. We slept in, of course, had an easy day of "doing nothing" planned. So I went down to the basement to check my email, clean the cat box, etc., and found some water on the floor. Hmmm...first thought was that one of the cats must have pee'd, but neither had done that before and there was no smell. Uh oh. Turned out to be a pinhole leak in a hot water pipe. Not, of course, the part of the pipe that was exposed. The part that was hidden away above/behind a closet. So instead of taking it easy, DH and I spent a long time taking things apart to get at this, and put a temporary patch until a plumber could come in during the week. Fun. Not.

Well, that was distracting. Now I'm back to feeling all squirrelly and nervous. Time to get ready for bed and escape into a mystery or detective novel or something. Nothing that requires any thought. Especially any thought about running, or biomechanics, or pre-race fuelling, or hydration, or...


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