Jogger Barbie's Blatherings

This blog started out as a way to track my progress in training for my first marathon on September 30, 2007. Then my first marathon ended up happening in May 2007, so now this blog is just to write about my running in general.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm a woman in my 40s who lives in Toronto with my DH and two cats, and who loves to run. Sometimes I like to write about my running. Maybe some day I'll write about something else but it hasn't happened yet.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The big day has come and gone and indeed for me it was a big day. I will write a more detailed report later - too late this evening - but the capsule version is: a personal best. !!! Chip time was 3:35:04.2 compared to 3:40:15.7 in Ottawa. I am thrilled and happy beyond belief. Part of me still doesn't quite believe it, actually.

So my Marathon Year ends on the highest of high notes, which is a wonderful feeling. And it has been quite the year. As I look back over it, the only milestone it doesn't contain is my half marathon personal best - that goes back to 2002. To recap:

September 2006: did the Scotiabank Half Marathon and had my best time for two or three years. This was a huge relief, as I finally felt recovered from whatever the hip injury was in the spring of 2005 that sidelined me for months of no running, and then the months trying to build back up without re-injury. Decided along with F1 to finally train for a marathon and do it in September 2007.

March 2007: did Around the Bay for the first time in a time way beyond my expectations. Got to the end thinking "12 km more? No way!", but then started to learn about proper hydration and carbs and it started to seem possible again.

So possible that I decided to accelerate the training schedule and run my first marathon in May instead of September.

April 2007: ran the "new" Kingston half marathon course for the third time and after two disappointing times in 2005 and 2006 finished in just under 1:44. And placed third in my age group - first and only podium medal of my life. Missed the podium because I didn't realise what had happened, but they mailed the medal. What a way to banish old ghosts.

May 2007: ran the Ottawa marathon and despite a terrible, painful, miserable last 10 km, qualified for Boston. What more is there to say?!?

September 2007: ran the Scotiabank Marathon with a better time than Ottawa. Part of that is the flat course, but part was simply better pacing, the right choices for hydration and carbs, and no muscle seizures as happened in Ottawa. A second BQ - now I can go in 2009 if 2008 is a bust or if F1 qualifies - and a guaranteed entry for NYC if they don't change the rules for 2008. A red letter day that I hope to remember for a long time.


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